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  • Christian Family Services

Wellness Wheel—Reflection for Self Care

How is your self-care lately? Have you found a healthy balance for this unique season of life? We have come through a pandemic and unprecedented life circumstances. Some of us incurred trauma, leaving us heartbroken and seeking new tools for recovery. Some of us fell into helpful and necessary rhythms to adopt long term. All of us have a spectrum of feelings and needs from this past year of novel experiences. COVID-19 left a wake of changes for society to grapple and as we rebuild our lives—grace to self must become a primary concept to embrace.

Wellness Wheel—Reflection for Self CareIn order to achieve success in this season, we need to evaluate all of our roles and responsibilities; reestablish how to achieve our fullest potential amidst new societal expectations. Create opportunities to rediscover yourself, a holistic study of self and wellness. Such an inventory includes the following key areas: social, emotional, spiritual/religious, occupational, intellectual, physical, and environmental. Similar to health concerns we present to a doctor, awareness and the use of healthy tools for self-care is non-negotiable; particularly after the pandemic-virus environment. With time to investigate yourself and tools that directly care for your needs, productive and healthy living will be possible.

Thoughtful evaluation of self-care needs and tools, allow for full engagement to daily responsibilities and people within the community around us. Consider the area of social life and ponder: 1. Am I connecting with others? 2. Do I keep a healthy level of daily communication (for my needs)? 3. Do I currently have positive relationships? 4. Do I allow trusted people to speak respectfully into my life? 5. Am I able to see my friend’s/family members at a level I feel comfortable with? Questions such as these, allow us to reflect on healthy habits that may be in place, or alert us to unhealthy practices.

Reflection permits us to determine a healthy balance for the different areas of life, and possible tools needed for change. Tools may include finding a new hobby, or, finding a professional to guide us through specific needs outside of our current abilities. With the area of emotions for example, it is important to examine if you have healthy coping skills and ways to identify the daily feelings you experience. Are you finding ways to express and accept your feelings? Support for emotional needs may entail: consultation with a psychiatrist and/or physician, professional counseling, local support resources and programs that educate on warning signs and ways to address mental health symptoms, educational groups that address mental health conditions and healthy coping skills.

Mental health support is a growing need following the pandemic and allows individuals to identify parts of life and environment that threaten safety, stability and ability to keep healthy relationships. Regardless of age or season in life, self-care rhythms are important to review and may need adjusting, in order to remain preventative and prohibit unhealthy habits. Seasonal wellness reflection protects against negative health outcome and problem behaviors.

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As you reflect and choose ways to be gracious to self, note the things that put your self-care in jeopardy. Different seasons of life, may confirm changed needs and habits. Give yourself permission to focus on certain areas of life at different points of the year, in order to safeguard reasonable life goals. Take advantage of professionals and/or support programs, to guarantee complete wellness and success to your fullest potential.

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