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Director's Message
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July 2020

Directors Message

It is hard to believe that summer is almost over!  What an interesting ride we have been on!  Nothing is normal!  Nothing.  Schools are making their COVID-19 plans, the Cardinals are finally starting their season, the Blues are about to finish their season defending Lord Stanley, many are still experiencing “church on the couch”, and on and on.  Everything is different!  COVID FATIGUE is a part of each of us! 

At CFS, we are having to figure out how to do everything differently!  The Timothy Campaign, the annual Vision of Hope Dinner, counseling, adoption, foster care, pregnancy support is all having to be approached so differently! 



I have to constantly remind myself that

different isn’t so bad!  Having to think outside the box has really helped us in a lot of ways! 


I have to constantly remind myself that different isn’t so bad!  Having to think outside the box has really helped us in a lot of ways!  This year, our counseling has more than doubled the average number of sessions we have experienced in the past 20 years!  Having to rely on the internet to communicate has been more efficient and effective.  Working remotely to safely social distance has really been helpful to some of our staff that have children. 


One thing that we have seen that will not change is that children and families have needs that we are called by God to help with.  If you have read our “Adoption Spotlight” article you can see that children always need homes and parents are looking to provide a forever family.  What a special moment to be a part of uniting children with their forever family!  We still have families that are having difficulties and need the resources that our ConnectCare services provide.  Young ladies have no one to turn to when an unexpected pregnancy happens.  We will continue to be there to help.  Thank you for your support so that we can continue to reach out to children and families and offer hope.


Another change that you may have already heard about is our annual “Vision of Hope Dinner” will be a virtual “Vision of Hope Night” on September 18th at 7:00 p.m.  You won’t want to miss that!  It will be 45 minutes of celebrating what God has done through CFS.  I hope you will mark your calendars to be a part of this night!  More details will be coming soon! 


This virus doesn't seem to be going away soon to all our dismay!  May God bless you as you continue to navigate this pandemic.  If there is anything we can do for you, don’t hesitate to contact us.  Thanks again for your interest and support in Christian Family Services!

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